Ship Frequencies


Cruise Ship and Maritime Frequencies

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    Tug Boat Robert W. Tomlinson                             

Why ?

These web pages originally began as a result of tracking interference to a local Boston GMRS repeater system..

While tracking the inference we discovered there are many Cruise Ships and other Maritime vessels that use radios on a day to day basis that may or may not cause interference to existing [Commercial, Amateur, Media, GMRS etc] systems in the port areas. 

This web site is a collection of radio data that has been found thru Web Research, E-Mail Lists and extensive monitoring by dedicated Scannists through-out the United States and the world. 

Information provided is as accurate as possible. Any additional information you can provide can be submitted to the Web Master for inclusion in these pages. Occasionally we will include a list of other relevant links and do appreciate any/all suggestions to improve our information. 



Web Update

06/20/2003 - This web site was originally launched and moved to  the new URL in August 2009

01/15/2025 - Last Updated!

Special Notice

Looking for Scannists from Bermuda, Bahamas, South Africa, Australia. Mexico, Asia, Africa or other Non USA Port Areas to provide information to the Frequencies Page


Please Contact the Web Master.

** Also looking for scannists in Miami, Fort Lauderdale as well as west coast ports to do some research  **



Special Thanks to

Ricky [NJ], Keith [IE], Brian [CA], Kevin [VT], Bob [PA], Ron  [MA], Jeff  1C6 [MA], Brian G [RI], Johan [Netherlands], Brian [CA], Chuck [Antartica], Don McRoberts, Michael [CA], Luca [CN], Alan  [CA/AZ], Jeff [OH], Paul [MA], b52hbuff [CA], Doug S, Kevin [CARMA], Jim [VT & BC], Tom [BC], Alan [CA/AZ], Markus [AT], Mark Netherlands], Luca [BC], Bernie [CA], Eric [TX], Graham [AU], Gabriel [CA], Urban [SE]




This website contains links to other websites on the internet. While we provide links to them, we are not responsible for their content or privacy policies.



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